I’m Back! Yay!

Well, okay then.

Turns out those couple weeks I was going to take off ended up being about a month off…or more…But that’s okay!  I’m back now, and I have stuff to write and things to say!  I’m also going to be doing some more streaming in a couple of months because I have my computer back!  But let’s do a quick recap about the last while, I’ll go into details in the coming weeks.

Christmas:  Christmas was spectacular!  If you saw my last post you know my Christmas list.  I actually ended up with a Vita AND a Galaxy S3!  I’m incredibly thankful, and I have a wonderful family.  It’s a little bit late to be talking about Christmas and stuff, but you know what, I’m doing it anyway.  By the way, if you haven’t played yet, Castle Ravenloft (the board game) is tons of fun for an afternoon of playing.

Ni No Kuni: I’m deeply, deeply, DEEPLY in love with this game.  I Picked it up Day 1 and it was love at first sight.  I’ll probably put up a full blown post about it later, but I just wanted to express quickly how much it is that I adore this game.

Taiyou-Con.  Taiyou Con was a blast as always this year.  Me and the guys at Nailbat had an absolute blast with our loyal fans and congoer friends as always, and made some fantastic new friends, despite the occasional technical hiccup.  Coming up in March we’re going to be going to ConNichiwa down in Tucson so look out for that.  We have some wonderful new panels and more fantastic content we’re rolling out.

That’s what’s been going on with me over the break, as well as getting back into College mode.  I look forward to throwing out some more posts really soon, and as always I love feedback!

That’s it ennit?  Tidy!
